Home Repairs Program
Preserving Safe, Decent Housing

Helena Area Habitat’s Home Repair Program provides assistance to very low-income homeowners to perform vital repairs which improve the health and safety of their living conditions. These programs not only benefit the homeowner and their family, but revitalizes the appearance of neighborhoods, provides more community engagement opportunities for volunteers, and preserves the stock of decent affordable housing in the Helena area and rural Montana.
Helena Area Habitat for Humanity programs are not emergency or crisis-based programs. If you have any health or safety issue causing imminent danger, please request a copy of our resource guide.
How it works
This program has a waiting period, homeowners must submit an inquiry form to receive an application. Submitting an inquiry gets you into our database, so that you may receive an application at a time when we have funding that is applicable to your home’s needs. Only households in our inquiry database will receive an application for home repairs.
- Homeowner(s) must submit an inquiry form to receive an application for services
- HAHFH staff will review inquires, eligibility determination will be based on qualifying factors and the available funding source to complete the repair
- Homeowner(s) will be notified of a decision to complete an application or deny services
- HAHFH will then complete a home assessment to complete the scope of work and budget
- Homeowners will sign an agreement for conduct and liability which includes the proposed scope of work for the home

In order to be considered eligible
- Applicants must have a very low or fixed income
- Dwelling must be owner occupied
- Households must be unable to perform the repairs themselves or afford to pay someone to complete the repairs
ineligible services
- Mobile Home Repairs
- Mold treatment
- Additions
- Renovations
- Cosmetic improvements/upgrades

Inquire Now!
If you’re interested in Helena Habitat’s Home Repair program, you must submit an inquiry form to get started.
Complete online, pick up in our office, or call Pat at 406-204-7313 to have an inquiry form mailed to you.